Ya llega la 4º temporada de H2o sirenas del mar!!!

Incorporaciones :
Claire Holt (Emma) , durante toda la temporada (La 4ª.
Hannah Murray (Kelly) Durante toda la temporada.
Trent Sullivan (Elliot,hermano de Emma) Durante toda la temporada.
Craig Horner(Ash) .no se sabe aun si sale en la 4ª temporada ,
aunque dicen que si.

Abandonos :
Phoebe Tonkin(Cleo) Por problemas familiares.
Solo actuara en 4 episodios.
Angus Mclaren (Lewis).
Cleo Massey (Kim).
Solo participa 2 episodios.

Actores y actrices que se mantienen en la serie :
Cariba Heine (Rikki).
Indiana Evans (Bella).
Burguess Abernethy (Zane).
Luke Mitchel (Will).

Los productores de la serie están en pleno desarollo de la 4ª temporada que se espera el estreno a medianos de 2011.
Y aunque no lo crean Liam Hemsworth , el novio de Miley Cyrus interpretara a uno de los nuevos personajes de la cuarta temporada.Miley solo estaba con el en el rodaje.Liam interpretara a Bryan , Un chico que entra en la universidad. Kelly Smith (Hannah Murray) Se enamorara de el , aunque tendra que competir con Sophie , porque a esta tambien le gusta.Bella y Emma se haran muy buenas amigas , mientras que Rikki y Kelly tambien haran lo mismo.Bryan ya sabe la de existencia de las sirenas.El tentaculo regresara y acudiran a alguien especial y tendran que averiguar que es la nueva amenaza que acecha a Mako y a ellas mismas.En una de las noches , el tentaculo las atrapara y les dara nuevos poderes

5 comentarios:

"Mercado de Afiliados" dijo...

Hola el blog, desde mi óptica y intereses es importante, de hecho me gustaría saber, ¿donde me puedo contactar contigo?
Mi Blog: http://mercado-afiliados.blogspot.com/
Mi correo es: mercado.afiliados@gmail.com .
De antemano, gracias por responder.

Pedro Garcia Millan dijo...

They are genetically modifying the food so that the REAL NORMAL SEEDS will eventually be extinct and the modified canola, corn, soy and cotton seeds will be the ONLY ones left. Genetically modified means that these NEW seeds that are in almost ALL USA store bought products have the herbicide, fungicide, pesticide and who knows what other toxins already in the seed. THEREFORE, when you eat that mishmash, WHO THE HELL KNOWS WHAT IT WILL DO TO YOUR INTESTINES OR HEALTH OVER TIME! And of course, the industry (i.e. Monsanto just to mention one) TELLS US.."Ohhh..it's ALL safe to eat jajajaja". SAFE TO EAT? Just look at the bees landing on these genetically modified crops and their stomachs are being ripped apart & THEY DIE! Yet you SEE HOW funny it is on TV/MEDIA that NOBODY, including the M.A.D. payed-off demonic scientists don't even whisper/mention the OBVIOUS that i just stated here?

Like i said, i can go on and on for days giving you more & more & more examples of the gradual demonic END GAME these M.A.D. are playing with us. But like i said, i think you all reading this get the picture. And by the way, i am a Dr. and guess what? I DO NOT WORK FOR THE M.A.D. OR HAVE SOLD MY SOUL TO A DEMON! But....i live in virtual poverty somewhere on this planet with a family to feed and barely scrape by. And IF you think that sounds bad, well, this AIN'T nothing compared to what the M.A.D. have in store for ALL of us in the aforementioned countries (and more) i listed. And again, ALL their moves are subtle and gradual like a chess game being played out with the regular folks as the pawns.

I sometimes WONDER WHY the regular folks in these countries NEVER do ANYTHING TO STOP these demonic morons? It doesn't matter IF you vote Republican or Democrat because from those 2 choices, they are BOTH a part of M.A.D. Same with Canada and their Liberal or Conservatives...same M.A.D. , and on and on and on. I sometimes wonder.....you NEVER see ANY of these M.A.D. criminals go to trial or imprisoned for fraud on the people yet IF little billy J-Walks across a busy street he gets a ticket he must pay! When will Bush Jr. & Cheney and ALL those involved in blowing up 3 buildings in Manhattan and blaming it on Arabs EVER be brought to justice? NEVER because when it FINALLY is discovered what they did, they'll be safely dead from old age and the vast majority of the people in the USA will be so brainwashed with NO moral/social/family values they will have already taken up the 666 mark and be worshipping the anti-Christ.

Unknown dijo...

nice blog.I'll keep watching you Need camera

w_y_h2 dijo...

Hola...En la cuarta temporada estaría interesante que entre Will y Rikki ocurriera algo, que se enamoren...o algo así hacen una bonita pareja...eso si sería interesante. Comocuando confundian que habia algo entre ellos en la tercera temporada...me encantó

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